The DNA of Biz-Opportunity
Juhani Tontti
1.Profits are made by business opportunity seekers, who have come out of their comfort zones and own an attitude of a winner. They are real business opportunity seekers.
2. Focus on what sells, rather than what you know. The world is full of people who have good university degrees, but who are loosers.
They may know a lot, but they cannot do the right things with what they know. In biz-opportunity the objective of knowing is to act. To use what you know. The highest level of knowing is to know what sells and sell.
3. Focus on results, instead of following routines. The basic idea of biz-opportunity is to get results. If the business opportunity seeker is working with the results in mind, he has a great opportunity to reach the success sooner or later. So he is diven by his target and he lives as if he has already reached the target.
4. Focus on Yourself. Everything happens inside out. This means that the greatest success factor in every biz-opportunity is the attitude of the entrepreneur. What you think mostly affects your choices, which will lead you to the results you have set. On the other hand, your innner world is your toughest competitor.
5. Commit yourself to the biz-opportunity. The commitment or attitude is the rock, which leads you to the great things. Be long term and never give up.
6. Know your product. This is a must. You have to know your product and the services it offers. It is healthy to read through the copy of your biz-opportunity web site every now and then and learn the details. This you will need, when prospects ask so called stupid questions.
7. Lead Yourself. If you have not a plan of your own, you will execute some other people´s plan because you are always a part of some plan, yours or others´. Build leadership based on the natural strengths you have and your biz-opportunity will fly.
8. Be ready to learn. Keep your mind open to things that will fit your biz-opportunity PLAN. Prepared mind will pick the chances when they appear. Learning is a life long process, not just what happens at school or university. It is much, much more. And it is cumulative, like building a house, new brick on the top of old ones.
9. Find mentors. The success of your biz-opportunity depends that you follow the proven advices from experienced people. Visit discussion forums, where you can follow the instructions of appreciated people. Read ebooks and read magazines of the best publishers in your industry.
10. Learn to love your biz-opportunity. All businesses are run by feelings, but explained by business jargon. Your relation to your biz-opportunity is very important. Good results, if not accidents, will make you to love your own business. Use everyday confirmations to strengthen this relationship.
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